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Brighton Pediatrics

Drownings Can Be Prevented

August 15, 20241 min read

Drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury in children and can have devastating consequences. It usually results in death or the child will have permanent brain injury.

Drowning Prevention measures include fences around home pools, life jackets on boats or around open water, and counseling teens about the risks of alcohol or drugs around any body of water.

The single biggest thing that parents can do to prevent drowning is to never leave a child unattended around any body of water. This also includes pools, bathtubs, buckets, lakes, rivers, etc. Anywhere that there is water. There have even been drownings in toilets and in pet bowls.

Swim lessons are also a good way to protect your children, but they don’t make a child “drown proof.” The American Academy of Pediatrics did research and the research show that children ages 1-4 can benefit from taking swimming lessons. Swimming lessons are generally not beneficial for children under one-year-old. Swimming lessons are not a substitute for adult supervision around water. There should always be an adult present when a child or children are near or in water.

If you have any questions, please contact us at: Brighton Pediatrics or visit our website at

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Publisher's Letter

Dawa Sherpa, Publisher

The holiday season is upon us. A time to express appreciation for the people, experiences, and opportunities that enrich our lives. As we take a moment to give thanks and celebrate with our families and our communities – let’s not forget the uniquely valuable small, local businesses that are at the heart of our communities.

In today’s fast-paced world, shopping has never been more convenient with online giants and big-box stores offering rapid delivery and low prices. But, unlike mass retailers, small businesses and local shop owners offer personal relationships, leading to better service and customized recommendations. Whether it’s a handmade candle or boutique clothing, these businesses offer a personal touch that can’t be replicated.

The holiday season is a crucial time for small businesses. Events like “Small Business Saturday” remind us to support the shops that keep our communities vibrant. But it’s important to continue that support throughout the year to ensure these businesses thrive.

This holiday season, when shopping for a gift, a service, or just a little treat for yourself, consider visiting our local businesses first. Every purchase makes a meaningful difference, helping build a stronger, more connected community for everyone.

Happy Thanksgiving,


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